You’re going to need a good belt
You’re going to need a good belt
Telling you that you’re going to need a good belt sounds a little personal doesn’t it. Now as much as I’d like to make this a post railing on the need to change the “sagging” pants fad, that’s not what I’m referring to.
If you make the serious decision to carry concealed, your also going to need quality gear to pull that off. Taking your old belt that is an inch thick and made from questionable material isn’t going to cut it for this task.
For this I would suggest the highest quality you can afford. You’re going to need a quality Concealed Carry Belt. What is a concealed carry belt? Well I’m glad you asked.
For this task, I would recommend a full grain leather belt that is specifically made for concealed carry. It will either have stitched inside of its lining a plastic lining or be made in rigid enough lining so that it won’t sag or stretch while it’s being worn on a regular basis.
Even for concealed carry holders; I would call this your duty belt. While you are carrying concealed you have a moral ‘duty’ to do it as sufficiently as possible.
In the pictures, I have a couple links to belts with high reviews that would sufficiently fit this bill. I purposefully looked for belts made in the USA by our own men and women.
Until next time…Be Alert, Be Aware and BE SAFE!!