Firearms 2.0 Skills and Drills

Firearms 2.0 Skills and Drills



The banner above asked the following question: “Have you ever shot at a paper target that yelled and fired shots back at you?” More than likely the answer is no. There are no such targets on the market. It would be nice if targets like these existed, but unfortunately they do not.
As you may know, practicing at the range is important and necessary for individuals looking to improve their aim or develop great marksman skills. However, paper targets or static targets cannot test your ability or agility to react or respond under duress. Training just with these types of targets are not sufficient for preparing individuals for real life threatening situations. Such as: threats within the home or in public places.

For instance, paper targets cannot do the following:

  • Make you feel threatened or vulnerable.
  • Test your critical thinking skills.
  • Prompt a life or death response or reaction.
  • Test the strength and assertiveness of your verbal commands.
  • Test your level of awareness.
  • Test your ability to focus and breathe when threatened.
  • Test your judgements to shoot or not to shoot and so forth.
It is vital to know what your strengths are as well as your weaknesses to better help improve your safety before something happens.

Bear in mind that you can have impeccable shooting skills and still crumble under pressure.

With this said, Brick Street safety Academy strongly suggest that you take our Firearm 2.0 Skills and Drills Safety Class to test your level of awareness, reaction/response time, endurance and critical thinking to improve your ability to protect yourself and family.
If you’re curious in how you would handle yourself under pressure, then the Firearm 2.0 Skills and Drills Safety Class is for you!
Come train with us.

Click here to obtain class information.

Not Applicable.