3-E-Gift Cards Order Form for Personal Protection Devices Class
3-E-Gift Cards Order Form for Personal Protection Devices Class

Price: $49.00 per e-gift card, plus the $2.00 processing fee for each card. A total of $153.00 for three Personal Protection Devices Classes E-Gift Cards.
E- Gift Card Instructions and Terms:
Simply type in your information in the order form below. After submission, the payment page for this e-gift card will pop up. You will then be instructed to make payment using PayPal, which is on a secure server. Once your order has been processed you will receive confirmation of your purchase and email delivery. E-gift cards are sent within 2-24 hours of processing. However, if payment is rendered with an e-check, this action will delay your delivery further until confirmation of payment has been processed and cleared.
Click here to take a look at a sample e-gift card after it has been delivered. Link will open in a new window.
There is an annual expiration date. Gift card will expire one year after purchase date.
Brick Street Safety Academy E-Gift Cards are not for resale, redeemable for cash or monetary credit and cannot be returned for a cash or credit refund.
Class E-Gift Cards must be used for the class it is intended for.
If an e-gift card becomes lost or stolen it cannot be replaced without the original receipt or proof of purchase. If replacement is allowed, the card will be replaced with another card of the same class and value only as stated in our records.

Order Form
Not Applicable.